May 20, 2009

  • Which operating system(s) do you use? Why?

    I was born a Windows girl; I will die a Windows girl.

    Just like the hokey commercials spoof, my boyf is a Mac and I’m a PC. This is something we continually (jokingly, but not without standing up for our OSes) argue about.

    He says he likes to be able to find his things right away without having to look for them; I say I like the challenge of finding my stuff (and sometimes, you want to hide files, amirite).

    He also says he never gets viruses because he has a Mac. While this is true, anyone who has successfully killed spyware knows the sheer joy and the ohyesIdidjustslaythatgarbage feeling of eradicating harmful files from your computadora. Honestly, I like the feeling of knowing I can control how things work and occasionally totally screwing things up. I’ll hit the “advanced user” button on the install because I know what I’m doing. Sometimes I download stuff by accident and it gets ugly. But I can handle it.

    Last, he says he can do more artsy stuff on his computer, which is admittedly accurate. My artsy stuff is limited to making stick people drawings on Paint, making awesome MIDI arrangements of pop songs on NoteWorthy Composer (that was what I spent the better part of high school doing) and making ringtones with Sound Forge.

    I think of Macs as being like

    typety type apple iLoveMyMac blah blah blah iMovie Garage Band omg

    and PCs being like

    !!!!!!!!! yeah pwned!!!!!!1 and stuff

    You nerds know what I mean.

    I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

Comments (222)

  • omg windows <3333!

  • Hahaha, I’m a mac user & my boyfriend is a PC user. We pretend fight about it all the time :P

  • Windows is just so nostalgic for me. I grew up playing old Sierra DOS games, and I remember when we got our first Windows system. Those were the days.

  • I <3 Windows! 

  • I <3 Windows too

  • i have windows :)

  • Macs are all backwards. Everything that should be on the right is on the left. I get confused.

  • I grew up a Windows person and thought I would always be a Windows person…until I was officially exposed to the ways and wiles of a Mac.  Now I am officially someone who is angry at oneself because it took me sooooo long to make the switch from Windows to Mac.  I cannot ever see myself going back to Windows ever again.  Windows is like the matrix…you have to be shown there is something different before you believe there is and then truth is a freeing point. LOL!

  • Windows XP Pro 64 bit, because it is extremely virus resistant. Most viruses are written for 32 bit windows. 

  • I have a Mac-only virus on a flash drive somewhere that I keep on reserve for those pesky die-hard mac fans that don’t know what they’re talking about.

  • Brilliant choice in pictures.  I may have to steal that. 

  • <3 Windows! XP Pro on all my computers.

  • PC please!

  • I lurv windows. Why get a Mac when you’ve got this totally awesome compu right here?

    And yes, being a complete nerd, I know what you mean by “pwned”!!! ^^

    I AM a nerd. THE COOLEST ONE YOU’LL EVER MEET!!! ^^^^^^

  • this is precisely the same thought process many have before they switch over to mac

  • Like I told you before, I was a Windows 98 person. Yes folks. Windows 98. I know my computer is like a very heavy paperweight now. That’s why I am a Windows XP guy now. And when I think of Macs, I think of Steve Jobs. And when I think of Steve Jobs, I think of Jobs. And when I think of Jobs I think of Windows cause it gives you a “job” to find your crap on your computer. Yes folks. I went from Mac to Windows in about 0100111000111 seconds. Thats why there’s the word “Win” in Windows cause Windows just won! BOOYAY!

  • I love my Mac.

    But Windows are chill for me, too.

  • I’ve always wanted a Mac purely for the reason that I’ve never had/worked on one before. A new experience brings new wonders, and I want that new experience.

  • Hey, is that the new Mac Powerbook?

  • Linux FTW!!! Unfortunately I have Windows Vista on this PC only because it came with it preinstalled and it runs PC games the best. I do have Yellow Dog Linux on our Playstation 3 though.

  • i have windows vista because my parents bought this computer. my bff has mac, and tells me that windows sux every time i have a problem w/my computer

  • I have windows vista premium because it was installed with the pc I bought before Circuit City closed its doors forever. (sob) I will be glad when Windows 7 comes out I can tolerate Vista but certain programs I like to use I am getting errors now. 

  • Wow, Natalia. You just lost some major cool points with this post! LOL Windows is like driving with your eyes closed, praying you don’t run into a wall or hit someone. The only reason I ever work on a PC is because the place I work is too cheap to buy Macs and make the employees triple productive.

  • I don’t like PC’s..  But Macs don’t look like something I’d want to use either.  x__x

  • windows! windows!  RA RA RA

  • Window’s ROCKS!

    now, about making ringtones with soundforge….how’d u do that?

  • PC > Mac. Macs are for people who enjoy only having one button vs. two on their mouse… lazy kids.

  • LMAO. You made my day.

  • I had something clever to say, but it’s evident by your diatribe here that you know nothing about Macintosh computers.  Or PCs for that matter.

  • @slamjoe - Exactly!  The scales on their eyes will fall off once they see the ways of the Mac Jedi. LOL!

  • PSP ,NDS ,PS2 ,Xbox360 ,Wil ….
    children’s toys …..

  • @sonychak - My mouse has 3 buttons and I use a Mac.

  • i find both operating systems to be annoying.

  • @oeshpdog2 - wow when did they morph?! now my comment is irrelevant. haha

  • I’m a PC and I’m proud :]

  • I can do just as much “nerdy” stuff on my Mac as you can a PC. I have extensive libraries and program code on my Mac. I wrote some hardcore programs for my senior thesis, and wrote my thesis in LATEX. Did it all on a Mac. I also have several mathematics software bundles on my Mac, and I frequently run and write programs on them. So don’t say “nerds” are strictly PC’s, that’s just not true. 

    I do artsy stuff on my Mac too, everything from digital recording to photo editing and movie making. Oh, and to the idiot who said Macs can’t right click: I have two responses. One, yes, Macs CAN right click, or on a laptop, you can CTRL+click or  you can hold two fingers on the trackpad and click. Two, whereas Winblows is built around right-click, the Mac OS is designed to be intuitive and have everything accessible with normal click. Amazing. 
    Did I mention that Macs are PC’s too? That’s right! With the new Intel processors, you can install Windows alongside Mac OS. It’s just like having two computers in one. I *do* have Windows installed on my Mac, however, I NEVER use it. I’m not a gamer so I have no use for it. 

    Last to address: Macs may not be virus-proof, but they’re a heck of a lot more virus-resistant than Windows. This is because Mac OS is a UNIX-based OS, much like Linux. I don’t have any antivirus software on my Mac (actually, I haven’t on any of the three Macs I’ve owned) and not once have I picked up a virus. 

  • seriously?
    can’t we all just get along?

  • @Da__Vinci - windows xp 64bit is so shitty.  I had nothing but problems with drivers. 

    I run Vista 64bit.  It never crashes.

    One day I will run Unbuntu… one day.

  • i grew up from dos 5.0 but im crossing over to mac os for business. ;]

  • No, Apple will rule the world some day.

  • I was born a Mac and will die a Mac.
    My husband used to be a PC but I have won him over to the awesome side of the Mac and he will now never return to being a PC. You just have so much freedom with a Mac.

    @oeshpdog2 - I was gonna say that! (RE: The three button thing!)
    @sonychak - They “morphed” semi-recently, but Mac users know they could always right click by pressing command (or something – I forget; it’s been a while since I’ve had to do it) and clicking.

  • Windows, love.  You have more freedom.  This extra freedom sometimes leads to getting viruses by using it.  To use apple is to work confined in a box.

  • The fact that you say “I will die a windows girl” suggests you aren’t quite thinking clearly.

    You should use whatever works for you, not something based on the brand.  If sometime in the future, windows doesn’t work, then switch.  Who cares?  Getting emotionally involved with a brand is silly, because the brand cares nothing for you, and will cause you to make bad decisions.
    Go with what fills your needs, 

  • Windows FTW! I love Gaming on Macs *cough* hahaha

  • I am a Windows person, and a Vista one at that.  I think I’m a Window’s user simply because it’s what I know, and what I don’t know one of my uncles do.

    Mac’s simply cost too much for me… and I love both my right and left mouse clickers.

  • I hate macs and their proprietary bullshit!

  • @Pcgecko85 -  yeah UBUNTU rocks! (which remind me to try the latest version ) currently running 8.10 

  • haha.
    I’m a Windows user but I still really like Macs.
    Hopefully I can soon be fluent in both.

  • I was borned windows…but will die as mac.

    15 years with windows….just recently switch to mac.

    The best thing ever. =)

    Im a nerd/ geek programmer.  I use linux too….. which is still better than windows.

    but Mac is far the best for me. Stable, better screen for sure, 99.9999% no downtime..

    I dont want to waste half the time figuring out what kind of  driver i need for
    my old camera…. simple stuff like that.

    But for gamers, of course windows  all the way.

    I play World of Warcraft on my Mac thou.  IT IS AWESOME.

  • I’m not particularly attached to any OS. I grew up using Macs, but I haven’t used them since OS X came out, so I can’t really say how I’d like them. I’ve heard nothing but good things, and I’ve used Unix before, and it sure looks pretty, but for now I’m used to using Windows.

  • I agree with everything you said, haha. I am a diehard windows girl. Until, maybe, something better comes along– but that something better sure ain’t gonna be mac.

  • Ubuntu Linux! It’s very liberating and very user-friendly. Everything I did on Windows I do on Ubuntu. Everything just works right out of the box. I can update all the programs on my computer at once in three mouse clicks, and upgrade the entire system in a couple of clicks. It’s not great for gaming (nothing beats Windows for gaming) yet, but hey – that’s what your XBOX and Playstation are for. I love my Linux!

  • What about Linux? D:

  • I love my Mac. It’s more than the cute “OMG” for me.  Me and the PC are not so close anymore.  

  • i’m a mac convert. once i saw vista i just shook my head and walked out the door.

    OSX FTW!

  • Hahaha! Love the picture comparisons.

    @wherethefishlives - I remember playing Freddi Fish and Putt Putt Goes To School on my PC. Ahh, the good ol’ days =]

  • Windows all the way!

  • I have sworn my loyalty to Windows ever since I first used a computer that had Windows 3.1.

  • @RobinzRantz - the ability to update quickly (and frequently as is the case with ubuntu and other foss solutions) is not a benefit, but a crutch.  this functionality was considered a selling point for windows xp, and is as relevant as a mercedes with a built in hair dryer.  ability to update easily does add to the function or stability, but numbs the user experience so they become more accepting of the idea of updates.  reality is that software designers cant seem to get it right the first time, or a computer would never need to be updated until it is replaced or new functionality is added.

  • I use Windows primarily as well, though I do have dualboot with Unbuntu. I have never had a virus. I navigate through System Root like people wander their old neighborhood. There are countless more multimedia products for Windows, but Mac just packages theirs with OSX because it has little else to offer. Personally, Windows peaked at Windows 2000 Prof. and has been declining since. The sad fact is that despite this, Mac OSs are still vastly inferior. That’s why I started migrating to Linux a few years ago.

  • @Magniloquentia - MacOS inferior to what, exactly?  And it’s spelled “UBUNTU”.  And “System Root” sounds like a meaningless term that n00bs use to sound like they understand unix. chown -R me ./yu0

  • I’ve noticed a trend.  The people here who have something negative to say about Macs… are windows fanatics.   And the people here who have something negative to say about Windows… are windows users.   Where are the Mac-haters that actually OWN a macintosh?  Come forward and make yourself known… like the elusive “mac viruses” people claim to exist… and unicorns… and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq…. 

  • So what do you do with all your eprops, anyways?

  • @JadedJanissary - i’m saving up for a color TV!

  • @Natalia - O_o

    Xanga just got so much cooler.

  • Windows is for new people who truly want to learn and make their computers useful from the beginning. XP is the best and most stable Windows version since Win 95. (It’s true, though; Vista is in trouble).

    Mac is for people who drive BMW’s; it’s all about the status of paying a whole lot more. Yes, there are fewer viruses written for Mac, because fewer people have Mac.

    Linux is for the secret nerds who control governments from basements everywhere. their powers exceed the Luminati and the Tri-Laterals combined. They hold security clearance to Area 51.

    I have Puppy Linux on my laptop. Still use Win2K primarily, but I am learning the ways of the Linus! Soon I will be invited to join Skull and Bones!

  • mac os x ftw.

    i LOVE watching previous PC users attempt to figure out anything about a Mac xD
    and it’s true; there’s only a couple viruses for macs. and most of them you can only get from downloaded shit from porn websites.

  • why is everybody hatin’ on mac? No viruses, no message on your computer constantly stating you need to update norton and other programs, doesn’t take a million hours to load applications, clean cut, and amazinnnng! I could list more but I don’t want to send you to long of a message. :)


  • I need an extremely powerful computer for art, design, image editing, sound and movie editing. I need to use my time doing the creative stuff and not fixing the computer so I use a Mac. I’ve been using a Mac for almost as long as there’s been Macs. My Macs are work horses and rarely cause trouble. I hate how expensive they are and how Apple creates obsolescence as fast as they can. This causes me to want to rethink my computer choice, but then, Macs are really great for graphics and are amazingly trouble free. 

  • I’ve been using my MacPro 5-6 days a week for 8-12 hours a day…without a problem…for four years.

    My PC friends have each had to replace their compy’s at least twice in that time…
    And my tech services friends use Macs exclusively.
    MacPro is the way to go.

  • I grew up with Windows, i can never leave it. <3

  • @DrugInducedDuck - Email this weapon to me. We shall make those arrogant mac-using bastards suffer.


  • I love Mac… mostly just because it’s a million times better than Windows. Now whenever I get on my mothers PC I feel like I’ve stepped back in time. And we got our computers at the same time. I decided I will never go back to a PC. My friends say I’ve become a Mac Snob, and I guess I have. But I’m kind of a snob about anything that is extremely superior to it’s worthless, but very overrated, counterpart. 

  • @JosephParsons - Bullshit.  TEN YEARS ago, OSX was released.  2 MILLION macs are sold EVERY THREE MONTHS.  Not worth writing a virus?  Linksys routers.  100,000 in the wild have an obscure version of embedded linux, vulnerable to attack.  There’s a worm out there for that.  Adobe Reader 6.02 – less than 100,000 copies in use.  There are 19 malware applications to exploit that.  NOT ONE for OS-X. with 8 MILLION NEW MACHINES going on the internet every year.  Are you a REAL idiot, or a synthetic one? 

    The REAL reason there aren’t any virii is the same reason there aren’t any Nintendo Wii viruses.  Because it was designed properly.

  • Linux….

    PWNED! =p

  • By the way, how about your development team get on the ball and develop your fancy uploaders in versions supported by Macs and Linux boxes? What’s up with the discrimination? 

    Of course, if you aren’t familiar with how an executable JAR file works (cross platform so you only have to write one version of the program as JAR’s execute on all OS’s), I guess I’ll forgive you. 

  • Oh, and also… I’ve had 3 laptops. A Gateway, a Dell, and a MacBook. 

    I had the Gateway for 3 months. In that three months, I had to return my computer to factory settings TWO TIMES. I lost all of my documents, all of my photos, all of my songs… everything. After my computer crashed for the third time, I threw it in the garbage. Then I bought a Dell. It was better than the Gateway. I had it for 6 months. It only crashed once, but that was when I decided I was going to give up on PCs and try a Mac. Now I’ve had it for about a year and a half, and it has never crashed, I’ve never lost any information, and I haven’t even had a single problem out of it.
    So yeah. Mac is a million times better.

  • windows is aight.

    now that i have a mac i don’t think i’d go back. lolll that rhymed.

  • Haha! I, too, will die a Windows girl!

  • I love my windows haha, i have enought problems with windows, lets not talk about mac’s haha, i have to use them for my art projects, they make me want to cry ~ 

  • @JosephParsons - A lot of my friends have used the “more expensive” argument before, but as with lots of other things, it depends on what you mean by “more expensive” and what you’re looking for.

    For instance: You can buy a Mac and have the same computer for years, or you can buy a PC and have to replace it and continue to spend money fixing/replacing it.

    Does it cost more upfront? Maybe. It depends on what you want. MacMini’s are priced really reasonably and you can just plug it up to your TV if you have a good one. You can also get great deals on refurbished Macs from their website. However, cost-per-use, Mac’s are better deals in my opinion.

  • windows hands down. =]

  • Ubuntu Linux. I have windows vista because it came pre-installed and works best with my hardware and games, but I’m a linux girl. Right now I have more than one operating system on my machine. I’m not satisfied with just windows though. Last week it got a virus and crashed, but my linux still worked perfectly.

    I totally agree with the pictures you posted though. Mac is for babies! lol.

  • I hate Macs. I speak/read in words, not pictures.  >.<

  • I can’t say I agree that having an OS that runs in to problems makes it better. That would be like saying my car is better because I have to work on it every weekend. That said…

    I’m a Windows person myself. 15 years ago my dad brought me home some parts and said if I wanted a computer I’d have to build it myself. I like the satisfaction that comes from building my own computer
    Now, if I built my own car, THAT would be cool too

    As for the peeps having trouble with there comps, you know Windows is just the OS, right? There’s a difference between hardware and software. Also, Windows has to interact with different software and hardware on a much larger scale than OS-X. As an engineer, I couldn’t run an exclusive OS-X system even if I wanted to…

    Oh, and I like the ergonomic handle on the Mac Powerbook in the pic.

  • One cool feature about MACs is that theyre really easy to shut down. all you have to be doing is use a program and then *poof* it shuts down without saving your data.

    Ha ha, if you can’t tell, i dont like MACs, i use PCs. i find them a heck of a lot easier to use, to configure (not to mention it works better), and its a lot cheaper than a MAC. MAC is whack.

  • I love windows, If you know how to use it properly, you can find things wherever you want! As for the artsy stuff, you can do anything on PC that MAc can do, it all depends on the programs you have on your computer! To me, Pc has more function, sure – its not as user friendly as a Mac, but with more power comes more responsibility.

    I know alot of the shortcuts and commands in microsoft… I would not be able to function nicely on a Mac.

  • @Myteggya - Ubuntu is nice, Opera too!

  • @gelid_affinity - Must have not used a Mac since they were on Mac OS 9. I NEVER have apps just quit on me (using OS X). Now, I’ve had plenty of times on Windows that I’ve had a dialog box pop up that said “(such and such a program) has encountered an error and must be shut down” blah blah blah. Yeah. Be fair. 

  • @ginsu417 - Don’t get angry, partner. That post was just in fun.

  • I like Mac, but I’m not a Mac-only person. My parents have a Windows computer, running XP, and I used to own a Dell laptop that ran Vista. Why do I presently own a Macbook? Simply because I like how the system is set up, how it runs, and basically just out of personal taste, to make a long story short. But I have no problem with PC kids… whatever floats your boat, man. Personally, I like to play around with Linux systems as well, so I have my hard drive partitioned to allow for experimentation. Why don’t I do the same with Windows? Well, I may have a rich kid computer, but I’m actually dirt poor. It took forever to save up the money for it (and I did buy it myself, no parental involvement) and I’m happy with it. I’d probably screw around with Windows in the same way that I screw around with Linux systems if I had the money to purchase a Windows installation disk. Since I don’t… meh.

  • I started out on the ORIGINAL Macs when I was young, taught me how to spell my name and everything (I still have it actually, should check if it works…Anyway, my father got into building his own computers and so we switched to the path of the PC…I grew up swearing against the Mac, even to this day, and then I got tired of the viruses and crap from PCs, so I took a bold move a few years ago and switched to LINUX (Ubuntu, specifically) and I gotta say, it’s one of the best moves I’ve ever done…

    You have the full control you would with a PC, and the clean/virusless experience of a Mac…Oh, and the software matches Macs’ and PCs’and and it’s all opensource so it’s all FREE!!!…Yeah, no Apples or Windows here, I only follow the Penguin now…

  • I haven’t found ANYTHING I can’t do on my Mac that someone can do on a PC. Game? Maybe. But I hate video games so that doesn’t bother me in the least. 

    I can write programs/develop software cross-platform (hey, go figure that), manage massive databases, run your typical business-type software. And just to note: Final Cut and Aperture put the Adobe counterparts to shame. There is more of a learning curve for those programs, but holy heck. 
    One objection I see, is how “stuck with what you get” you are on a Mac. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I’ve changed A LOT of stuff up. My settings are far from the typical factory settings. Though I do need to add some RAM and probably swap in a faster processor (mine is an old 2 GHz model).

  • @BlakThot - Linux is nice too, don’t get me wrong. I just hate Microshit Winblows.

  • @Myteggya - I will always be a Linux girl at heart, myself, which is why I keep a partition of my laptop for playing around with Linux distros that look interesting. But I do also have OS-X, it is a Macbook, and the reason? I just like the way it’s set up and looks. I’m used to it, and besides that, it’s just personal taste. But Linux will always be my number one love as far as OS choice.

  • I don’t mind either, but I will always have a soft spot for my PC 

  • i grew up windows…love macs XD

  • I have a mac at home, windows at work. The average computer user is better off with a mac, because all they need to do is go on the internet and type up word documents. You can do that on either, and a mac won’t get you as many viruses.

  • @dadslittlegirl - A lot of my friends run with Mac, and they seem to pay more than me across the board. I’m not sure that longevity matters much when they say the stuff is outdated every 18 months (Who’s they? The mysterious them, I guess.).

    I think pc is easier for newbe’s, and most of my Mac friends agree with that. One likened moving from pc to Mac as kid to adult. Mabye.

    The one friend I have who is truly amazing with computers and can likely do anything is a very serious Linux guy. Of course, this guy would be masterful at all three (he’s a tekkie by trade).

    I’m learning Linux. So far it’s pretty amazing, but also pretty frustrating because it’s all new. I also run Win2K on this laptop, but my host is XP, and it is vastly more stable then Win2k. What I like about my Puppy Linux is that it loads entirely into the ram memory, and absolutely everything on this older laptop runs faster and better. I still do a lot of Windows thought because I don’t have the Linux fully set up. Still learning.

    Don’t want to say nothin’ too bad about Mac. ginsu417 might come looking for me, throw apple sauce at my windows or something. Don’t go postal out there, Mac guys. If you can afford an Apple you got more money than I do, so you’ll be okay!!!

  • you wont get viruses and trojans on a pc if you stay away from bad sites. its a no brainer.

    btw, i use windows.

  • I use both. I much prefer the mac. Simple, powerful and it just works.   

  • I was born a DOS boy; I will die a DOS boy.

  • windows xp, because I am currently using a old computer I bought a few years ago, before vista came out, while xp was popular. Its more convenient to use xp on a old computer anyways, even new computers slow down like crazy on vista.

    I have no comment on which is better, I’m only using whats more convenient for me

  • @JosephParsons - Well, it’s true, I guess different people have different experiences with Mac vs. Windows. Maybe I just find it cheaper overall because that’s been MY experience, but I don’t do too much crazy stuff with a computer anyways. I haven’t needed to “update” with any cost due to outdated stuff, but maybe I just don’t need more than I already have. My Mac Mini was just $500 from Apple’s website, and it’s bad-a, if I do say so myself. In the end, I just see MYSELF paying less for a Mac than I would a Windows I would have to keep replacing, not to mention the daily hassles of the dreaded Blue Screen Of Death! (Unless that’s oldschool and no one has those anymore… ?) I’m not a hater of Windows users, just a lover of Macs!

    And you’re right, certain people might come after you if you say anything slightly negative about a Mac, you ….stupid…loser! (Sarcasm, of course.)

  • As a user of all three, I love Windows for the reasons you listed, and OS X for the reasons he listed (with a few exceptions). I will add, though, that the virus argument always amuses me. I have been running Windows since the days when only the super nerdy would use their 28k modem to get online, and I have been infected only twice (and one of them really doesn’t count, I was being stupid with a fresh install). 

  • @brain51983, @angel241@grammarboy, @RobinzRantz, @kimtendo@JosephParsons, @poptartsrgood, @Myteggya, @BlakThot, @justadmitit00, @JosephParsons- You all don’t suck simply because you said the *nix is best.  ^^  /mass love and huggling

    And @andwan00 is just cool because you’re DOS ftw.  :D

  • I think people give macs more credit than they deserve. Get software like photoshop on your PC and you can do the same things.

    Furthermore, I had to do a project for a class that involved taking an hour of interview footage and condensing it to 2-5 minutes of worthwhile stuff. The computer lab where I had to transfer the video from tape to digital only stocked macs. It took me roughly 3 hours to edit the footage into a neat video (mind you, this was on one of those big, new, and intimidating G5 desktop models). By the time I was almost happy with it and ready to save my final version, the mac CRASHED on me and I had to redo everything from the start. There are horror stories for every mass-produced hardware with this defree of complexity.

    They’re popular enough these days that security vulnerabilities have been exposed; hackers have and will continue to exploit these, even if they’re not as common as PC viruses yet, they will be. I just got a mass e-mail from a professor warning mac users to turn Java off, as it presents a security vulnerability. Funny, because Java runs like half the scripts on the world wide web. So much for being a fortress, mac.

    I’ve used macs before. It was tricky for me to locate files the first few times I used it, just like it would be on any OS that operates a little differently. Heavens forbid I want to drag my downloads to my desktop, Mac thinks I shouldn’t.
    Those same people who say macs are so convenient to use freak the fuck out when I use keyboard shortcuts like (APPLE KEY – which, by the way, is an obnoxious substitute for a control key - + TAB) to cycle through windows, as if I’m some magician.

    People forget that macs are still Personal Computers (PCs), they have all the same components. Macs run on a different operating system and cost twice as much as a “PC” with equal specs.

    *End diatribe*

  • I’m thinking about going from windows to mac… I want to try something different…

  • lmao,   love this.
    i love windows vista!
    i hate mac, too confusing for me.
    everythings backwards.. don’t like.

  • @dadslittlegirl - Hahaha, you’ld think I kicked that guy’s dog!

    I have three pc’s. I built them all and networked them together. Scavanged pieces from all over. The best and fastest is my host with XP, cost me about $140.00 or so to build. Smokin’ fast. Got parts from all over town!!! Craigslist is my friend.

  • @aimlessdrive440 - That’s odd. The only time a Mac has ever crashed on me is when I tried to install Leopard (Mac OS 10.5) on my old 1 GHz 512 MB Mac Mini G4. Yeah, it was a bit too much OS for that hardware to handle (and I was running apps like Final Cut as well). My Intel-based Macs (I’ve owned two, a 1.6 GHz 2 GB Core Duo Mini, and a 2.0 GHz, 2 GB Core 2 Duo MacBook, my current computer) have neither one ever crashed. Of course, I’ll probably keep this computer for a LONG time. You can also change your target download folder to the desktop in your Safari settings.

    Macs do update their models rather quickly, but that doesn’t mean obsolescence right off the bat. When I downgraded my Mini G4 it to Tiger (OS 10.4, which by the way still works great, and there’s not a whole lot of difference between Tiger and Leopard), it still runs fine, and I still use it regularly and use it for fairly heavy tasks. It’ll be around for awhile.

  • i love PC : )

  • Windows. Believe it or not I actually like the challenge of trying to fix my computer when it slows down or there are bugs. Plus, there are user preferences for almost everything (not too sure about this for Mac). Also, it seems like you need to go to the genius bar for everything. Not my kind of thing.

  • @JosephParsons - Well aren’t we fancy??? Don’t brag! Some of us don’t know how to build our own electronics, in which case we turn to Macintosh to build us our own dreamy pretty little thing. Haha

  • eh, i am also a (semi)hardcore pc person, but the stereotypes don’t really apply.. i have no problem finding files, i have yet to get a virus on my computer, and i’ve sold artwork that i’ve made on my computer before.

  • Wanna Get Laid Tonight! use the link(:->

  • I have used Windows Vista on a Compaq computer. The OS was pre-installed before I bought it. They said their was a few glitches in Vista, but I haven’t encountered them yet.

  • to be honest.. i said Macs were crap when i had Windows.. buh after much continuious pop ups, viruses, limited design software, freezing .. well i cud go on.. i converted to Macs.. they are freaking awesome… never again Windows .. they suck!!!

  • @dadslittlegirl - Come on now, girl, that wasn’t a brag. That was genuine pride of accomplishment. Building my first was a big deal ’cause I knew almost nothing and it was so dang hard. Building my last was a big deal cause i was able to put to use everything I learned over the years and it came out really dang good! Now my kid uses my first for school, and my last runs the network, including telephone service and television from across the internet.

    Learning Linux is my latest challenge. Gonna bring back some life to a couple old junkers I got.

  • i use both. i like windows for the more technical things like gaming and other stuff but i like my mac because it is user friendly and it has final cut pro

  • linux for sure.

  • Windows, definetly. 

  • While I am proficient with windows, I have used a mac before and find myself liking it. If the costs weren’t so bloody high, I’d happily have a mac this very moment. Perhaps one day. Until then, I will continue to enjoy squashing the various viruses, rebooting from the many crashes, and surviving the unpredictability of my wonderful laptop, complete with windows vista home. ;)

  • Because of my industry I use Macs at work and school but I grew up on PC’s.

    Unlike alot of die-hard fans though, I’m more of a PC, although I do love Mac’s for what they are good at: editing and media stuff.

    So there you go, I love them Mac’s for being dead easy so I can concentrate on my editing and music mixing, and I love my good ol’ PC because I built it from scratch, and runs good ol’ XP with my own themes and is nice and fast.

    I’ve also run Ubuntu before, which I have to say, is pretty sexy too.

    You know what though, what I notice is that a ton of Mac users tend to get a chip on their shoulders.

    I remember once I was in a computer lab doing a project with someone who was in love with Macs and we complaining that the PC he was working on was so stupid and wouldn’t work right.

    Well….you weren’t clicking on the right thing, buddy.  Not the computer’s fault. 

    In conclusion, Mac’s are failproof and great for media editing, PC’s assume the user wants to customize and great for gaming.

    Honestly, I do not understand the OS wars.  We have better things to do with our time.  In the end they are just pieces of hardware and software.

  • I agree with you.  Mac’s annoy the crap out of me and I will always be a windows fan.  I love the challenge and joy of managing a PC and protecting it.  It’s great!

  • once you go mac you can never go back…especially in the creative fields..I doubt there are many songs mixed and mastered without a mac somewhere involved. Or a movie edited without some mac somewhere in the process.

  • I’m riding the same boat you are. PCs are sexy bits! 

    And I love your choice of pictures. It made me giggle a bit.

  • Love the Mac comparison.
    Vista here :)

  • i switched from PC to mac and i regret it

  • Screw you windows users! Screw you Mac users!

    Linux ALWAYS wins

  • this is awesome! lol
    the one point aside from the fact that mac’s come with a boat load of software and slightly better graphics that everyone on the planet appears to miss is
    that pc’s are completely interchangeable! you can take a part from an old ibm ps2, compac 3030 or even an old va system and slap it into a machine that runs any windows software os version no problem lol unlike mac systems that require proprietary hardware/software just to run the things and only if they are matched to the particular system your putting it in lmao

  • idk, but PCs aren’t really like hard to fibd things anymore. 

    windows is definitely something thats great for the geek and power users while Macs are for the fun and games + photobooth.

    there’s much more available for windows in terms of competitively priced hardware , apps, and customization.

  • baby you look so cute,can i have a private with you?
    this is my i.d
    you can add me.

  • Well Its easy to assume most people use Windows and because most people use windows, most applications are compatible with it and most people are used to it. Now for those reasons (and some more) I would stick with windows, but linux often runs things faster and with less added crap. The thing is that there are so many linux based GUI’s that unless you are a linux head you cant really say which is best for you and this would just turn into a what kind of linux is your favorite and why.

    I grew up on mac’s first and switched mid childhood to windows. Its Unix based and relatively stable but as you said, I feel like i know and can tinker with the innerworkings of a windows based computer more easily with the security of some prepackaged tools to fix things I wouldnt know how to in linux.

    Love the Mac picture though. Classic

  • @Magniloquentia - I’m sorry. Should I have listed the individual registries by name that would have meant nothing to 98% of the people reading my comment? I should I list “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT” and more to appease you? I think I’ll keep using well-known and understood general terms when specifics aren’t important. I suppose I should list my entire resume when I post as well, so that you’re aware of the 6 different languages I’ve programmed in, taught a CST class and worked as an asst. network engineer for 2 years before I even graduated high school. I suppose I wouldn’t have EVER come across a Mac; never to debug, fix components, integrate into a network, etc. I just like to rant about things I know nothing about. But hey, at least we have some common ground then.

  • Macs are too dang expensive, too.

  • I game, therefore I PC.

  • windows for sure,
    and a pc/mac commercial just came on tv.. no joke? lmao

    but anyways. i grew up windows always will be. I like the Mac’s system, and the programs but I wouldnt trade my laptop for it. Vista is like a mini-Mac system anyways.

    but all microsoft office programs<3
    i never get viruses or bugs on my pc… js

  • Windows 7! Yup… And no “beta”

    Mac was just… Ehh for me, after I did some hardware updates for my Dell Dimension :D

  • windows for now, planning on switching over to the dark side soon tho. =D

  • i like both. both have their pros and cons. my mac runs both OS X and win xp pro. =). i need to play my games on the xp side. lol 

  • I use Ubuntu 9.04 because the open source movement is a noble thing to back. And I love free things. And modification. And being pretentious.

  • mac and pc in the house…
    although i love my macbook

  • Me & and my ex-GF had this argument going like, for ever. And we took it very seriously. I’m always an anyOS-but-windoze head, while she was  ween-doze sworn. Basically because I was in the Support-service segment while she was an Advanced Revelation programmer. I used to laugh every time she ran into problems with her computer, I used to tell her how many win-based machines were stacked wall-to-wall in my job’s service lab, while the macs were so few we had just one small workstation to service them (and we were an authorized AppleCenter!).

    Besides, it’s ridiculous how much resources we need to run a decent Vista version today (No less than 1MHZ clock speed, NVidia 5200 or equivalent with 256Mb G-RAM, 1Gb DDR RAM to basically run the OS, and I’m not going over how much HD you need to host the OS and the load times once installed… For Christ’s sake, Come on! 10 years ago those specs wer for servers!). And let’s not talk about the pirated versions floating everywhere, and the virus and… yadda yadda yadda.. Btw, Did you know Windows was modeled initially after MacOS and still is around 5 versions behind? Performance shows.

    If I had my way, I’d switch to a Mac and Digital Performer (or best, Cubase for Mac). But DP is so expensive… And yes, professionals use macs, win-users onlly wish their OS was more like mac, but they don’t know it yet!

    Finally, to contrast and counter your comparation, I’d say any windoze machine is just like a homemade cardboard car, while a Mac is like a Pink Cadillac.

    Out b4 Mac ftw.


  • loving windows to death as well. for those who hate on bill gates, stop it. coz you are noob. kthxbai. :)

  • i was a windows user up until august of last year.  when i was in high school, all the computers were macs and i hated it.  but after using POS pc’s all my life, i finally thought “today is the day i’m going to buy a mac.” and i did. and i love it. i did have to install windows on my mac for a math software, but that’s the only time i’ve ever used it.  and i want to take it off b/c it’s taking up a lot of space.  all in all, windows sucks (imo).  macs take a little getting used to, but it’s worth it.  

  • @wolvenchic - Now I’m going to have to try Opera to see what it’s all about.

  • @ScreamingYourSecrets -  You don’t suck, either. /mass love and huggling

  • I’m a mac. I also own a two windows, an XP and a Vista. My mac out preforms them both.

  • @ScreamingYourSecrets - I know you’re a mad genius; I just didn’t understand, but I will take the hug.

  • I am a PC user but after using Macs at a magazine for work experience, I am totally looking to purchase a Macbook for my “next big purchase”. Problem is the laptop I have isn’t even a year old :(

    Even my boyfriend says I’m more of a Mac person (being a busy bee on artsy programs and such)

  • Well, since the Personal Computer didn’t actually exist when I was a teenager, I was only exposed to computers when I was in my late 20′s when my brother bought a PC with windows 3.1 on it (plus a lot of other useless software).

    Since I have only ever used Windows (3.1, 95, 98, 2000 and XP), the thought of going over to a Mac and having to learn new things doesn’t appeal. Plus, there are lots of programs I use that are Windows centric and aren’t available on a Mac. The same can be said of Linux as well.

    I’m not a Windows snob though – I will happily talk to Mac users and smile inwardly at the way they think they are better than a Windows.

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  • I have always worked on Macs. They have always been easier to update or add hardware to, they don’t have those mysterious spans of time when things don’t work and then suddenly they do, and back in the day when we still used floppies, you could boot from either drive A or drive B. Although Apple is full of arrogant Californians (is there any other kind?) I like their products. Windows is just Microsoft’s version of Mac. They have been “me tooing” it since DOS became Windows. WIndows couldn’t even come up with an original desktop. Oh sure they changed the look just a little, but it was still a Mac interface.

    None of this makes a statement about the users of any platform. We generally use what we have first been exposed to. As creatures of comfort, we stay with what we are familiar with. As long as you are content with your platform, who cares what someone else thinks about it?

  • I have very strong feelings about this.

    I’m a Windows person ALL the way. I’m a major Microsoft fangirl and I’ll stand by them til my dying day. =P I have dabbled with Linux before, but I still prefer Windows.

    I don’t understand why people would like to buy Macs and pay more and get less. It doesn’t make sense to me. Windows computers are vastly superior. They make a lot more sense, they run better, etc. To me, buying an Apple computer is all about the brand name and the supposed “style,” even though I beg to differ about the whole style thing. I don’t think they’re that good-looking. My laptop is just as “attractive,” but who gives a shit anyway? I value performance, quality, and features more than I value aesthetics.

    I have used Apple computers and products many times over the years as well, so I’m not just some blind and ignorant fan.

  • we all know PC is teh 1337      

    I shouldn’t ever do that again

  • I’m PC, and I certainly don’t mean politically correct.

    Also, I likey the new profile picture. Chica-bow-wow.

  • Hi!!
    I read your post about MACs and PCs, and I’m a PC person all the way.
    My friend had a MAC, and the internet was pure crap. The webpages were all scattered, while on my PC, they looked great.
    Anyways, I also don’t fall for those “I’m a MAC, and I’m a PC” commercials as the cool guy is the MAC and some burnt-out professor guy is the PC. They just try to say MAC is better and cooler because Apple hopes that people that don’t know computers will choose a MAC over a PC. All in all, a computer-savvy guy like me doesn’t fall for that publicity.

    Anyways, I’m a Christian, and I’m starting a ‘Christian Friends Society’. I know they’re a lot of people that believe in different religions around here, and my group welcomes all religions. In the ‘up and up’, if you’d like to take a look and maybe join, here’s the addy:

    Clawbert’s Clan –

    Lastly, I agree with your post 100% and you make a lot of sense. PCs ALL THE WAY!!

    God Bless,

  • true that! pcs for lyfeeee!!!!!11 x)

  • I was born a Windows person but I came out as a Mac boy.

  • i’m a mac. It’s wayy better. way easy to use. Any windows user going to mac os will be convinced.  I was a windows user for most of my life, but this machine is much more simple and way more straight foward than a windows.  plus it doesn’t come out of the box with all this free trial crap everything that comes on with it is there forever.

  • @flawedinsomniac - 

    they don’t come with less. Mac’s don’t need that much RAM to run perfectly fine like windows based computers do, vista needs 1gb dedicated just to the run the OS that means you need at least 2GB if you want a decently running computer. MAC’s are fine with 1GB (that is if you’re not using photoshop or something similar).
    Also, what else is limiting about a mac? There is just as much software and some is better for mac than pc.
    microsoft word is compatible both ways.
    there is no need to buy antivirus software for mac (saves a lot of money)
    everything in a mac comes running straight out of the box and set up takes minutes! 
    macs do not need to be reformatted periodically to keep up the performance.
    so far i see no cons in a mac. 
    the only things are the mouse… having to QUIT the applications and the placement of certain things, coming from a PC are really weird to figure out. but you get the hang of if eventually.  

  • To be blunt about it… Fuck windows, fuck microsoft and fuck apple

    Windows is the laggiest system ive ever been on, maybe its because no computer ive been on has been set up right or has to much crap on it. But ive been on a quite a lot of computers!

    Ubunta, linux and other opensource programs <3

    go opensource! (even your ipod can go opensource! google ipod linux or ipod rock box. you can get some pretty cool stuff. even mario game boy style! or wikipedia!)

  • I have both PC and Mac.  It all depend on what your looking to do on the computer as to which is better.  Overall design and efficiency the Mac wins easily.  Too many PCs have problems (not only because of viruses). There seems to be less problems with Mac OS as compared to Windows. PC had a good thing going with XP and i think they were too eager to put out a new OS and launched Vista with many problems.  Once they get that fixed they will do better.  If i want to do stuff with video and music, i tend to go with my PC because i have the right programs on it.  There’s a wide range of programs to use on PC as compared to the select few of the Mac.  If i want to do something with photos and anything graphic related i use my Mac. The main computer for any graphic design is generally Mac, which is what i use it for.  So they both have there pros and cons.  Mac has advance a little bit more than PC in some areas but they are quickly catching up.  I love that you have the capability of running the Windows OS on a Mac without the scare of viruses. Virus/Spyware Protection Software doesn’t always protect like it should.  They both can be good computers. 

  • In my world, computers are made for one thing: Games. macs do not run games, virtually at all, and the games they do run are games like tetris, luxxor, and other games you mom get’s addicted too every once in a while. PC’s are totally customizable, and can be built piece by piece. Buying a mac is a one time shot, and it can only do a fraction of the things a PC can do. Yea, PC’s get viruses, but that’s because virus makers make viruses that run on the kinds of computers more people have (that being PC’s). And I totally understand where your coming from when you mention the gratification that comes with removing spyware, or fixing any problem in general. The bottom line is, PC’s are universal, macs are not; and anything that’s as universally changable in a large number of ways (millions of programs, made by millions of people, a few of which are going to be idiots who don’t know how to make programs that work right) is going to have its problems. Macs are for yuppies in coffee shops, PC’s are for everyone else.

  • Windows!

  • @JosephParsons - You said you’re learning Linux, and that makes me happy so… hugs for you!  :D

  • I can’t say a thing before using a MAC, but it’s so expensive to just try.

  • i don’t see what’s so great about mac.
    is mac really more virus resistant? iunno. maybe or maybe not. One reason why windows get more viruses than mac is because, well, there’s more windows out there than mac, hence more viruses or written for windows.

    i agree with you on the pictures you chose. haha i think they package it a little prettier, and charge you $800 for it.

  • @ScreamingYourSecrets - It’s tough out there, Mac people hating on me… Need all those hugs I can get!

    What’s your Distribution? I’m learning Puppy, but a lot of folks like Ubuntu.

  • mac! seriously no viruses…i do have a windows as well.

  • Personally, everyone mentions gaming. Quite frankly I think video games (whether PC, PS, XBox, etc.) are childish, ridiculous play things. Adults have no business playing video games. 

  • Windows all the way! I even refuse to buy an ipod…. I <3 my Zune.

  • Ubuntu Linux. My life is too short to spend it trying to make up to a bad OS.

  • @Myteggya - My husband <3 Opera.

  • I can get along with both Macs and the PC. I have both. I think both need lots of improvements. I can do whatever I want on either, but I wish there was an iMovie for Windows. Also, I never have figured how to work GarageBand.

  • I use both, my computer is a Windows Vista, while my labtop is a Mac

    i love them both, and have no problems with either one of them at all. period.

  • @JosephParsons - I started with the U but have since moved to Mint and then OpenSUSE.  Some day I will run Slackware… SOME DAY!!!  I actually wanted to try Solaris (not a *nix child) but…cba.  =

  • I just won’t support Bill Gates and the greedy, arrogant bastard he is. 

  • haha. gotta love the diction. and stuff!!

  • I was born a Windows girl; I will die a Windows girl.


    im a WINDOWS gal too:>

  • it’s all about windows! :)

  • I luv my Windows….except the last version. Vista sucks!

  • I use both O_O

    My macbook for all my needs in a convenient and very sexy little bundleand my bulky PC for the uhhh… ‘at home’ use…..granted I’m never actually at home…. I guess that would make me an official Mac person.I was anti-mac for the longest time until I actually bought one ^^;; and now I love it to death. I do miss that blue screen of death though…. =(

  • dear you marry me

  • I like Windows. But I love Macs.

  • I’m with the apple people.

    But then again, the Windows OS I have at home is ’98, so…it might be a teensy bit biased.

  • lol I like both Windows and Mac OSX operating systems… in fact I think they should merge :)  

    I think your reasons for liking Windows is pretty weak though.. have you used Mac OSX (for at least a week) before?  Not that I want to convert you to a Mac girl :P

  • Windows is bestestest

  • Macs can suck it.

    Besides, I love knowing wtf is going on. My friends are like ‘omg what’s it doing?’ and I’m just like ‘give it a sec’ and then it fixes itself, or I do some random stuff and I fix it.

    Makes me feel kickass.

    Like I’m some hardcore sci-fi chick who’s gonna hack into the mainframe and override the motherboard so we can save planet Earth.

    But really I’m just helping my friend put some music on her Zune.

    Windows all the way. <3

    Besides, I wouldn’t know what to do with a Mac.

  • haha I am having the exact same debate! I’ve always been a windows user all my life since windows 95. Now im on Vista (eventually 7.0). I gotta admit I learned a lot of stuff about computers because windows gave me hundreds of problems at first. But after it all, it just made me realize how much great electronics are and how problems can be solved. Plus the majority of software and games I have only work on windows… But after I had an iphone, I tested out the Mac and I gotta admit its pretty smooth, works with less problems, and overall has cooler multimedia features. So for now…I am a PC…but I may get a Mac in the future and use them both for different purposes.

    So I am a…PAC! (PC+Mac)

  • @abilene_piper_lg - Of course personal experiences may vary, but I’m not the only person ever who has had problems with macs crashing, believe it or not.

  • @aimlessdrive440 - Of course not, however, it happens to the minority of people who buy Macs (just like frequent PC crashes happen to the minority of people who buy PCs).

    For me the deal breaker with PCs is the fact I can’t stand Bill Gates. Greedy, greedy, greedy…keeps all that money for himself and spends it selfishly without regard for his fellow human being.

  • @xPsYc0x8yTcHx - To be fair, if you’re a gamer, a Mac really isn’t for you. But as I said, I think video games are for little children, and we as adults have no business playing video games, so I’m not a gamer, and from the sounds of it you aren’t either, so in our case it’s irrelevant.

    I love Final Cut and Aperture though. I also like Xcode (software development program). Amazing.

  • …I have…Windows, Mac, and Linux (true nerd, I know).  Each has it’s place.

    My mac (a laptop) is great for portability.  (No Windows laptop I’ve ever tried matchs the battery life).  Add to that it’s superiority in graphically-based apps (i.e. video games).  So, I <3 my Mac.  (In this case, it’s a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.5.)

    My Windows PC is great for generality.  Almost everything is made for Windows.  (Hell, even my Mac [above] dual-boots Windows).  It’s also the media hub of my apartment, linking to my XBox-es for my movies and TV shows.  (My Windows PC is an older [2 years old?] HP running XP MCE.  I hate Vista.)

    Finally, Linux is the best for security, in my opinion.  Nothing can get into what I don’t want found on it.  In addition, due to the convenience of WINE, it can be used for almost any app I need.  However, my Linux box mainly functions as a server, working behind the scenes for all the other computers in my apartment (both mine and my roommates.’  (This one is custom-built, running Fedora Core.)

    I used to have these debates with my ex, about operating systems.  (She called Macs “of the devil.”  About six months before we broke up, she bought a Mac, and I’d dare to say she loves it more than she loved me. :P )

  • i blog and surf the internet from a TI-86.

  • gotta stick up for my mac. but, i may not be in this position if i weren’t a graphic designer.   so yes, your boyfriend is DEFINATELY right about the artsy stuff!    and macs are just prettier to look at too!

  • I’m dual booting right now. Windows for gaming, Ubuntu for everything else.

    Because Linux is better.

  • I have always been a PC. Apple people are cultish. You meet them at coffee shops in downtown Seattle. They are snobbish. They don’t bathe regularly. They drive old Volvos. They always have their yellow labrador at their side. They hate war, government control and Republicans.

    Not that I mean to profile anybody.

  • I share your opinion- I am sick to death of people telling me why Macs are supposedly soooo much better (including the former and current IS guys at my job). Yeah, okay, you geekheads keep your Macs- slow as hell, primitive with their one-button mice, and nowhere near as easy to navigate as Windows.

  • I prefer Windows over Mac.

  • PC<3 Mac is too confusing, and not organized enough for me ^^”

  • Mac elitism makes me want to go postal.

  • i say mac.. i don”t like windows or microsoft. the only place where i like microsoft is on the xbox 360

  • mac. it can do both windows and mac os. tons of free apps. don’t really have to worry about viruses. half eaten apple logo. yum.

  • @abilene_piper_lg - That’s funny, you must not have heard of the Gates Millenium Scholarship or this publicity stunt:

    The deal breaker for me is that apple markets its products as if they’re something completely different from the rest of the computer world, and they do it in a very smug fashion. With the most significant difference in their systems vs others is the OS, I think it’s unjustified.

  • @mistress_onixx - What’s easier than typing what you want into spotlight and having it bring up exactly what you want? Also, don’t fall victim to the gigahertz myth. Yes, Macs generally have slower clock speeds, however as far as actual speed (startup, shutdown, perceivable use), my 2 GHz MacBook smokes any 3 GHz PC running either XP or Vista that I’ve ever used, mainly because Mac OS is a “lighter OS” that doesn’t require as much hardware to run. Lastly, ever heard of control+click? That’s a right-click on a Mac portable. You can also use a standard USB multi-button mouse with a Mac. Don’t make statements like the 1-button myth until you’ve taken some time to learn about how the Mac works. 

  • @Otrere - ”… full of arrogant Californians (is there any other kind?)”

    Oh, that. There’s still some “gentle Californians”, but sad as it is, they’re on the verge of becoming extinct. Should you find one, treasure it like a dodo!


  • This is the same person as o0gaboga. My brother likes windows he said that macs cant run anything. I like windows as well but macs look better to me. They are all shiney lol.

  • windows.
    I’m used to it and I love it

  • XP pro on three puters, XP Home on my laptop and UBUNTU on a recycled Compaq……………. 

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