November 8, 2007

  • Would you ever consider plastic surgery, why or why not?

    Okay, here’s the thing. Please know that I know there are better things to spend money on . . . I’ve worked non-profit and loved it. There are starving children in Africa . . . yes.

    At any rate, one of my Dearest Darlingests is self-conscious about his nose (which is really not any bigger than anyone else’s and it’d look odd for him to have any other schnoz). He’s gotten comparisons to Adrien Brody before, but he is far better-looking.

    This looks vaguely like the two of us, except I *~smile with mah eyezz~* like Tyra insists and I tend to consume more than 30 calories a day. We do, however, own Academy Awards and display them prominently.

    ANYWAY, in comparison to most other people, I am extremely flat-chested. I don’t even really care to get into size issues or anything because it’s just silly. But Andy and I, at some point, decided that should he decide to get a nose job – which he shouldn’t – I would have, um, augmentation done.

    Is it going to happen? I highly doubt it and hope not. I feel like as we get older, we come to accept the things that make us who we are, whether that means we have to wear t-shirts made for eight-year-old boys or what have you. And, inevitably, you grow into your looks, right?

    If you see me walking around NYC looking unusually endowed, ask me how Andy likes his new nose.

    I just answered this Featured Question, you can answer it too!

    edit: oh my gosh, you guys, was anyone going to correct my atrocious grammar? i must’ve been typing pre-coffee, hence “is is” and “then” instead of “than” – ahhhhhhh!

Comments (11)

  • nicole is trying SO hard to smile wit her eyez, but it’s hard cause they are pumped full of botulism. : ( so sad. tyra does not approve.

    the theory of plastic surgery sounds cool- fix things i don’t like!! but in the end, i don’t know if i’d do it, cause how weird would it be to all of a sudden look different? like, drastically different?

  • yeah, i guess we all grow accustomed to our own looks, hah.

  • don’t do it! thankfully boys don’t get rhinoplasty. *whew

    i think plastic surgery would be good if it was “corrective” like those who have cleft palate or the 2-year old from india who had a parasitic twin. aside from that, i think the bigger issue has to do with body image, self-esteem, self-worth and being comfortable in our own skin. for some, it’s easier to drop $3K instead of working out these issues. also it’s rare to ever find a “one-time” cosmetic surgery patient. once a person chooses to go under the knife, he or she is very likely to come back again for a different procedure. every little thing gets tucked, nipped, lifted and the one thing that could supersede all that goes ignored: the heart.

    i think it would be great if individuals can come to a place where the way they see themselves with respect to worth and image isn’t tied to arbitrary standards of physical beauty. shift the focus. why can’t beauty be someone who is in good health. beauty equals positive thinking. beauty equals grace. beauty equals vibrant energy. why the discontent with our looks? can we be attractive to ourselves and to others because of who we are and not just who we see in a mirror? i once knew a girl whose nose appeared to be a little big for her face. but the more i got to know her and began to adore her, that particular physical quality about her became attractive to me. everyone has certain features and characteristics about them: big, small, short, tall, sharp, round, light, dark etc. etc. and everything in between. it is what it is. somewhere down the line, a few people got together and began to place emphasis on which features equate to beauty and by society buying into that, we started putting so much pressure on individuals to conform as close to those standards.

    i say work with what you got. you can’t go wrong learning to be content in your own shoes and finding someone who shares those values. and anyone who devalues you because of any perceived physical deficiencies (your nose is too big, your nose is too small, you’re too short, you’re too tall, your forehead is too big, your chest is too small etc. etc), is not worth my time.

  • girl i went to starbucks after dinner tonight and spent ten bucks on a hot chocolate for my sister, a chocolate croissant and a PEPPERMINT MOCHA OH YEAH!!

  • My sister got implants a few years ago.  She said she was tired of being flat.  I think in the short term, it boosted her confidence.  I guess we will see for the long term.

  • It’s not worth it.  Plus, they never look really natural…

  • i was afraid if i added too much foreigner though that i wouldn’t have room for Dio.  and everyone knows Dio is the best songwriter on earth.

  • I’m actually writing an entry about an entire series of Koch related movies.

    Hoo yeah. And I even created a facebook group!

  • Only if I was in a train wreck!  After watching the surgery shows where they slice your scalp open and pull up over your head and place a staple in your head! (ouch!)   Seriously….. vanity, vanity, vanity!!! I do want my face to still move when I am 80 and not look like a mask!  And for all you flat chested gals, you will look great at 40 and 50!

    Hey Natalia, thanks for stopping by my site. Thanks for the comments!  Have a great weekend ~ may God bless you.  

  • F’realz man. We’re like mad chilling. Hell, we only live around eight hours away from each other. Conquering nations haven’t been so close and they’ve overrun others!

    I’m working on that movie Ed Koch post as we speak.

  • Darn! I would have loved to correct your atrocious grammar- I live for that, really I do. But alas, I got here too late.

    As for the plastic surgery….well…whatever floats your boat. There is no way I would presume to judge someone who did or did not go under the knife. There is just too much involved in a decision like that.

    RYC: yeah, I know…pesky hair always gettin’ in my eyes at the wrong moment!

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