Month: July 2009

  • What’s your favorite mathematical equation?

    negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac over 2a!


    I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

  • stop reading over my shoulder

    There is a free newspaper available every morning for New Yorkers called AM New York. This paper is good if it’s raining (free umbrella), for its lolzy letters to the editor and for its Kenken and crossword puzzles. My train ride from Hoboken to the Xangaish part of NYC is about 15 minutes, which is enough time to finish the puzzle page.

    This woman gets on the train this morning and sits next to me. She watches me do Kenken and I’m, like, whatever because nobody really does it or knows what it is so I don’t care. I start the crossword and she is reading over my shoulder the entire time. I’m left handed, so my wrist ends up covering most of the clues naturally when I’m writing, and she was craning her neck to read said clues around my arm. HELLO?!

    What is the best way to deal with this? I guess my options are…

    -be the bigger person, chill out and ignore it
    -waste a perfectly good puzzle by writing STOP BEING NOSY across the middle
    -write a text to a friend that says “this really annoying woman is reading over my shoulder, help!”
    -stand up and continue the puzzle
    -ask her if she needs something

    What would you do? I realize this is completely petty, but I get so annoyed by the human race sometimes…

    edit: okay, look at what happened to my BF this morning. from his email to me:

    I got on the B train and some guy and girl sitting next to me was watching me do the crossword, and when I finished, he tapped me on the shoulder and was like, “That’s really impressive. I’ve never seen anyone finish one of those.” I was like, ummmm…


  • in which my fam comes to visit

    My dad and two of my sibs (Aleksander, 13 and Kat, 20) came to hang out this past weekend! They drove all the way from Ohio, listening to my brother play Ramblin’ Man on his phone practically the entire time and finding funny names of towns on the GPS (the favorite was Manunka Chunk, NJ. if you live there, marry me).

    I showed them the office, ran them all over town (we walked almost 7 miles on Saturday) and when there was downtime, we took funny pictures.

    I made Aleksander try rugelach and black and whites, both of which he found delicious…but that meant he ended up eating the latter during what would otherwise have been a lovely family picture.

    hello lovelies

    I feel like I should shoop da whoop Aleksander in this picture

    my dad hung out with Vincent at MoMA

    Basically, Kat and I decided that we were going to ask the FAO Schwarz guy for a picture and then make disgusting faces in the picture so hilarity would ensue. But I chickened out and vaguely smiled so we have, L-R, me making a messed up smile, the soldier dude with his eyes shut and Kat making a weird face. THIS PICTURE IS SO FULL OF WIN.

    oh families