April 2, 2009

  • ice cream truck animosity

    Zach just sent me this link – people whining about the Mr. Softee jingle being played all the livelong day around New York. If you are calling to complain because of an ice cream truck, I . . . don’t know what to say to you.

    To me, hearing that song means knowing summer is imminent and that you can get crunchies or sprinkles whenever you want (read: whenever you can find a truck hiding on a street corner or chase one down). Delish.

    Back home, our ice cream truck played The Entertainer and every single kid on the street was, like,
    and if your mom was cool and already had $3 on the top of the fridge for just such occasions like my mom did (for three kids – our ice cream wasn’t that expensive), you would run out your front door, screaming, “I’M COMING! STOP THE TRUCK! HOLD ON! I HAVE A DOLLAR!” and you would get your ice cream delight with bubblegum eyes.

    Some people did not have such cool moms. This is probably why they feel animosity toward an ice cream truck.

Comments (38)

  • it was rare when we got ice cream from the truck. i remember going nuts when we heard the chimes.

  • I agree. ‘Tis sad.

  • I haven’t had an icecream cone in a long time. I feel sad now.

  • Haha there’s that old car commercial where a bunch of people in a car were trying to chase down the truck and kept winding up at the wrong place (like on a bridge as the truck went under it).  And just last week my boyfriend and I were driving and we were like “I hear the ice cream truck omg it’s too cold” but then later driving back we heard it again and we were all happy like “Summer’s coming!!!”  People complain too much.  I remember running out of my house barefoot once because the truck was passing, and I was clutching a dollar in my hand screaming “STOP I WANT ICE CREAMMM” hahahaha.  It stopped :)   (Yes a cone used to be only $1.  I am old.)

  • oh man, i would never complain about that. i would be stoked. im from the boonies, there was no ice cream truck in my childhood… sad face.

  • We rarely had ice cream trucks around here so my kids didn’t have it too often.  I do remember my first boyfriend, Jackie, running in and getting…wait for it…a dime from his mom to buy an orange popsicle to share with me.  He (or his mom) would break it in two and we would sit on the curb and eat it together. What a fun memory!

  • PS I like the icanhazcheezburger pic you used haha

  • Oh.my.God. Mr. Softee!  That fills me with glee.  It’s been forever since I’ve gotten ice cream in my neighborhood, but with summer around the corner, I’m already listening for the jingle.

    Good post.

  • I live in the boondocks, so I didn’t have an ice cream truck. There was a really good ice cream shop though. 

  • I am a cool MOMand I didn’t even know it! Is that all it takes? The ice cream truck only comes through our neighborhood twice during the summer… well at least that’s all we are usually here for… and I keep the money on top of the fridge under my McCoy smily face cookie jar.

    Thanks Natalia for making me smile. It’s nice to hope that my little  monsters will remember something like that and think I’M a cool Mom in the future.

  • One time Robb and I and my friend Jenni were walking through the huge cemetery near where we used to live, and we heard the jingle all around us.  And then we saw it outside the gates and came screaming out of the cemetery waving dollars like three-years-old zombies.  It was amazing.

  • @angi1972 - i could’ve told you that you were a cool mom! but really, it’s things like that that make you smile when you’re older and remember that as much as you rag on your ‘rents at the time, they are still amazing
    @Viewtiful_Justin - THAT IS CREEPY AND FANTASTIC

  • one time we had a babysitter who lived out in the country, so the ice cream man never traveled to her neighborhood.  when the truck drove by our house she got so excited that she ran out and bought all 3 of us kids plus herself treats.  she probably spent more on icecream that day than she made babysitting!  but after that she was always our favorite sitter.  :D

  • the last two sentences are simply brilliant.

  • My mom never let me buy ice cream cones from those trucks. hm, that might explain the animosity. 

  • The man who drove the ice cream truck in my neighborhood growing up was always really creepy looking.  And he only came about once a month.  I think I was ripped off of a timeless childhood past time.

  • @Natalia - Isn’t it, though?

  • Definitely!
    PS. I love that lolcat.

  • In the city where my parents live, there is a noise ordinance against Ice Cream Trucks. I kid you not. I think it’s a shame, but I only saw one truck the whole time I lived there, and it didn’t last long.

    In the same city, men can’t mow the lawn without wearing their shirt.

  • I love ice cream. The ice cream jingle means happiness to me.

  • I grew up in the country so we didn’t have ice cream trucks. But sometimes my cool mom would let me ride the five miles into town on my bike and I’d go to “George’s Ice Cream Shoppe” which was open in the summer. It’s now a used car dealership…it makes me sad.

    *goes to drown her sorrows in a bowl of vanilla ice cream with caramel on top*

  • Ice Cream trucks FTW!  I live on the end on a subdivision so we rarely get any driving by, but I hear them in the distance :)   That’s ok though, I’m all grown up now

  • I just remember that Frank Zappa “Ice Cream” song he did with Tom Waits, ages ago.

    No soft serve near me, alas. Damn this life!

  • I like the Mr. Softee jingle, so I don’t know what everyone’s problem is. Hmm. Maybe I’m just too much of a kid.

    Yes, that could be it. I am a bit too immature.

  • Yum those icecreams look cool! I suppose icecreams are a lot more expensive today. We have a truck called ‘home icecream’. They have packets/boxes of icecreams and they put out catalogues for you to see their range. You know they are coming when you hear the bell. Nothing invasive about the sound – their are people who play loud music on the street that is more invasive.



    i don’t even know if we have an icecream truck anymore. i only bought from it once, and it was the most amazing thing ever.

  • My mom was a cool one with money on call for the ice cream truck!  lol.  I now keep money on call for such occasions myself.

  • I never experience having ice cream from the ice cream truck. I only experienced the one from ice cream man who rings his bell everytime he passed by our neighborhood.

  • In my small little town, we did not have an icecream truck. We had the sno-cone truck (the guy was a bit “racist,” in the sense that he only went to the black neighborhoods, but whatever. I digress). I found the music a bit annoying, and I boycotted him whenever i could. But on the offchance that I caved…those snow cones were DELISH. Now, I’m excited about hearing the icecream truck in BK or Mannie.

    Ah, happy memories.

  • ha ha. I LOVE the ice cream man. During the summer (since thats the only time ours comes out) the entire fam gets ice cream, not just the kids. I love tweetie and bugs ice creams. My husband, though my entire pregnancy, had to go and hunt for them and would buy them for me by the cases. MMMmm and banana fudge bomb pops are DA BOMB! WOOT!

    Your mom is so cool! We keep our ice cream money in a jar that says “save for an important occassion….

    The ice cream man”

    ha ha

  • Are you the coder for xanga?

  • @BenjiRucas - i am not, but i sit across from him – how can i help you?

  • My daughter loves when I chase down the ice cream man for her. She feels special and I love it. I do not care for how my 75 cents was no longer able to purchase anything on the menu ad I had to scramble for an extra 50 cents. But whatever, such is life. If it makes the kiddies happy, goodness, just enoy it. Those people kill me. It must suck to be them lol…

  • ::headdesk:: LMAO @ the LOLcat…. HAhahahaahahahahaha ::facepalm:: hahahahahahaha

  • How can one complain about the ice cream jiggle that is unamerican. LOL, Judi

  • The ice cream truck rarely comes around my neighborhood… so one summer we were out in the pool and heard the jingle.  I bolted out of the pool grabbed a towel scrambled for money, and we chased that thing half way down the street…for a cheap popsicle.  Ohhhh but it was worth it.

  • What if the truck parks a street away and plays that “jingle” for 10 hours a day? Huh? WHAT THEN?

  • I’ve actually never gotten an ice cream cone from the ice cream man. I had such a deprived childhood.

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