Month: November 2008

  • What is your favorite childhood toy? What makes it special to you?

    I’m doin’ a top five.

    1. I learned how to read at a very young age because my mom and dad would throw anything with words in front of me. Before I started the NY Times, my favorite thing to read/have read to me was this book:

    I am a bunny. My name is Nicholas. I live in a hollow tree.

    2. It was pretty obvious that I was going to be a nerd from a young age. Alphie + Natalia = BFF4LIFE

    3. When you put tapes into Teddy Ruxpin’s back, his mouth would move along with the text to books and you could read along with him.

    4. Rollerblade Barbie was equipped for a ‘blade in the park with a yellow visor (girl where is your helmet?), a pink fanny pack and oh yeah, rollerblades that were essentially mini-lighters and would send out sparks when you ran them across carpet. Mattel got in trouble for that one. But, seriously, how cool is that?


    5. I’m not really sure why I ever got this (Dad, do you remember?) but I did own the MC Hammer collectible doll. He came with parachute pants, a mini-mullet molded into the back of his scalp and a tape with Please Hammer Don’t Hurt ‘Em on side 1 and an anti-drug message on side 2. Priceless.



    I just relived my childhood; you can wax nostalgic too!

  • Don’t Worry About Starbucks

    I will singlehandedly keep them afloat.

    This is the right side of my desk . . . I’m gonna keep them until I run out of space or until I get sick of looking at my paycheck in cardboard form.

  • The Continual Adventures of Etiquette, Or Lack Thereof

    Back when it was actually kind of a pain to get a Gmail account, I got a code from my dad and got my own Gmail account – yay! Of course, you get an automatic 50 invites to spread the Googley love and I wanted to make sure other people could get on, so I gave mine all out to the Gmail Invite Spooler.

    When someone joins, it automatically adds you (as the inviter) to their contact list.

    Carlos joined after getting my invite . . . and started sending me messages, mainly email forwards. In Spanish. I’m relatively sure he’s just selecting all of his contacts and pressing SEND SEND SEND.

    So, Dr. Datingish Etiquettishes, how do I tell this guy to stop, por favor?

  • east village ink

    Andy came to visit me last weekend and we decided it was about time I got my tattoo. He promised that he would go with me and attempt not to vomit, which is really all you can ask for in a BFF.

    We went to NY Adorned . . . they looked at my design, told me to come back in 20 minutes and Virginia did my tattoo in two minutes tops. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as I thought it would (and I’m wimpy…I’d imagine it really would’ve hurt if I had gotten anything other than an outline), it turned out exactly the way I wanted it to and everyone was friendly and definitely professional [/commercial].

    It’s in a good spot because I can hide it if I need to . . . three-quarter sleeves cover it and long sleeves definitely do. You can’t see it when I walk/swing my arms because it’s on the inside of my arm . . . best spot ever, guys.

    So I got it because my mom (who I lost in July after her lengthy battle with melanoma) drew this waving hand on every letter/note/piece of paper she sent out . . . it was her way of saying a hyperspazzy hello in a quick drawing. Now when I wave, she still waves, too. Awwww…